World Memory Championships for East-Africa


The basic theory of mind puts out that the mind and its phenomena of qualia and consciousness are non-material entities with information and information processing as their essence. They evolved into existence to help increase the survival chance of the species that possess them. This is one of the main reasons that motivated memory masters to come up with mind sport of memory, the ones currently known as “Mental Sports Championship”.

A mind sport is a game of skill where the competition is based on a particular type of intellectual ability as opposed to physical exercise. The Mind Sport of Memory is both a fun, valuable hobby, as well as an amateur sport for all ages.

At the fun end of memory, informal competitions take place in Brain Clubs and other Mind Sports groups. These competitions take many different forms. They have held from the school and college level up to the world championship competition and the most popular one is the annual World Memory Championship (WMC).

Now, this is the 29th World Memory Championships that is going to take place for this year of 2020. And it has become the First ONLINE Memory Championships – due to Coronavirus. Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, all competitors around the world were not able to come together and compete in the same country this year as the primary concern now must be the health and safety of our members. 

Under such circumstances, the World Memory Sports Council has decided to convert the 29th World Memory Championships into the FIRST World Online Memory Championships.  A sub-venue will be set up by each country’s National(regional) Memory Sports Councils, competitions will take place at the same time between 18th- 20th December 2020.

The Mind Sport of Memory was founded in 1991 by the inventor of Mind Maps and expert on Mental Literacy, Tony Buzan, and Chess Grand Master, Raymond Keene OBE. The Ten Disciplines which formed the basis of the first competition are largely unchanged today and have been adopted worldwide as the basis for competitive memory competitions. There are now competitors from 30 countries participating in the sport, all competing to become the next World Memory Champion.

The purpose of the championships

The purposes for the World Memory Championships were and are:

  1. To promote Memory as a new Mind Sport, and in so doing to expand opportunities for Mental athletes in all countries.
  2. To redefine the art and the science of Memory by establishing new norms, benchmarks, and records, and to provide certifications and rankings for these.
  3. To reintroduce Memory as a fundamental skill for early childhood education, thereby reinvigorating faith in and enjoyment of memory skills.
  4. To demonstrate that Memory is the basis of creativity.
  5. To recover and validate the mnemonic systems of earlier human cultures and to revive the traditions of oral memory.
  6. To create a global community of like-minded individuals fascinated by exploring the power and potential of Memory and the human mind.

The tests in competition

The sport is administered by the World Memory Sports Council which is the governing body for the sport. It compiles the World Rankings, is the custodian of the ten disciplines, and ensures fair play worldwide through its Ethics Committee chaired by eight times World Memory Champion, Dominic O’Brien.

At a competitive level, there are specific disciplines that were created in 1991 by the founders of the sport, Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene OBE, and which lay down a common competition framework that has enabled international competition to take place. It is based on the ten memory disciplines. Ten different disciplines are conducted over one to three days and consist of:

  1. Names and Faces
  2. Binary Numbers
  3. Random Numbers
  4. Abstract Images
  5. Speed Numbers
  6. Historic / Future Dates
  7. Random Cards
  8. Random Words
  9. Spoken Numbers
  10. Speed Cards

Age Categories

There are four age categories for competitors in a Memory Championship:

  • Kids – must be 12 years or under in the calendar year of the competition.
  • Junior – must be between 13 and 17 years old in the calendar year of the competition.
  • Adult – for those between the ages of 18 and 59 in the calendar year of the competition.
  • Senior – for those 60 years and over in the calendar year of the competition.

Junior and kid competitors may elect to compete in an adult competition if they desire. Their results will be listed separately from the adult competition.

The case of this championship

During this championship, everyone is allowed to attend from the age of six and above. One of the incomparable experiences found in mental sports championships, unlike in other championships, kids sit together with old people just competing in the same tournament but everyone with the outstanding capacity of his weapon, memory. Contenders will be equally competing as long as they comply with pre-requisites to attend the championships.


Memory is a sport in which everyone can take part. None of the top competitors would claim to be born with a great memory. All of them have learnt all the necessary techniques to develop their skills, and have practiced it to a high level to get them to the top of the sport. You can do the same!  Why not start today?

There are no special conditions for registering for the championship. However, if you comply with the following, you are absolutely eligible to attend the tournament/championship. And here they are listed:

  • Being aged from six years old and above (≥6 YO).
  • Being a citizen of one of the East-African community.
  • Having a zeal and passion to improve or train your memory.


The competition will be held for two days namely December 18-20, 2020. However, the trainings will begin right after the registration of trainees. Trainees are informed each and every step to be made.


The tournament will be held in the designed and suitable halls to be indicated later. However, training courses and sessions will be delivered to the trainees only at the office. And in case schools and/or colleges/universities show interest in participating in training program or championship preparations, arrangements for their training sessions would be made accordingly.

Competitors (Participants)

Memory competitions were established to support the individual’s need to develop and test their memory and compare their results with others around the world.

The Competitors’ Pledge

By registering to compete in a WMSC endorsed competition, competitors agree to act in accordance with the Competitors’ Pledge:

I agree to act at all times as an Ambassador for the Mind Sport of Memory and actively to promote the benefits of becoming a Mental Athlete. I pledge to conduct myself in a civilized and dignified fashion at all times, whether representing my nation or myself. I pledge to uphold the principles of fair play and transparency in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Sport of Memory and in the spirit of the Magna Memoria.

Dendritae Jubilent!


There are a lot of benefits to participating in both of the training and competition for the memory championship since it will be another to get subject to (especially for those that it is their first time). They include, but not limited to:

  • Increasing the capacity of memorizing
  • Ability to unleash the brainpower at its maximum level
  • Efficiency in focus practice
  • Staying brain-fit as one grows old
  • Improved creativity
  • Ability to learn a new foreign language readily

Application procedure

  1. After you read the announcement of the competition, you are provided with the link of registration. The forms will be online to register for the training programs or the tournament.
  2. After the complete registration, I-CONCEPT LTD will contact and keep you updated about the preparation course.
  3. The training follows up to the day per of the competition per se.

Certification and Prizes

order to further establish the standard for World Memory Sports development as it has endeavored to do since 1991 and boost the enthusiasm for memory sports worldwide, World Memory Sports Council has launched the WMSC Certification System. The WMSC will issue copies of certificates for all achievements in different fields of memory sports.

For the East-Africa region, contenders will compete for three (3) trophies and thirty-three (33) medals that will be awarded on the following basis:

Awards for the best performers in the whole memory championship

The top 3 contenders in the whole memory championship will be awarded in the following order:

  • The winner: 1 trophy + 1 gold medal
  • The 1st runner-up: 1 trophy + 1silver medal
  • The 2nd runner-up: 1trophy + 1 bronze medal

Awards for the best performers in the whole memory championship

In each and every discipline/test of the ten (10) disciplines/tests to be competed for, there will be also the award for the winners at every test:

  • The winner: 1 gold medal
  • The 1st runner-up: 1silver medal
  • The 2nd runner-up: 1 bronze medal